How to list unmerged files during a GIT conflict
Add this to your list of aliases:
alias gunmerged='git diff --name-only --diff-filter=U'
gunmerged will show you the unmerged files.
Ruby, PHP, MySql, Software engineering and more.
Add this to your list of aliases:
Today I received my Raspberry Pi! I bought this book: Raspberry Pi User Guide
Labels: Linux, Raspberry Pi
Ruby is not a traditional OOP language like Java and C++. An abstract class provides and interface for a programmer, the implementation of some generic methods (useful for subclasses) and abstract methods (to be implemented by subclasses). Usually with Ruby you use mixins, but sometimes you need to provide a class with some generic methods and some stub methods to be implemented by more specialised subclasses; the template pattern just does this. In a Ruby class you just can do this:
I have been working with PHP for many years, around eight and now I have more than 3 years of Ruby experience. If you want to build a web application, or you need a Linux system administrator, send me an email at rtacconi [at]
Predictions are hard, especially about the future.Yogi Berra
First way:
curl http://your_hostname:6767/tests/sample.html
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